Perry Kayasone


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Meet Perry


Describe Your Journey to Real Estate.

My journey to real estate actually began with a referral from a good friend back in the mid 2000’s. You see, at the time I was looking for employment when a friend who owned a construction management company asked for help in managing his projects. I explained to him that I knew nothing about construction, and he responded with “But you do know how to manage…” It was then that he took me under his wing and showed me the ropes about the ins-and-outs of a home. Slowly but surely I began to pick things up, and in-turn found myself fascinated with architecture and homes all together.

After many years of learning about the construction of homes and working with different cities and their building requirements, I thought to myself, “What’s next?” At that time I figured I knew how to build homes, so why not learn how to sell them? The timing could not have worked out more perfectly, because luckily for me Sequoia was looking for someone to head the construction portion of their projects. It was my opportunity to learn about what happens to a home after its build or remodel, and a great transition into a passionate career.

What Are Three Words Your Clients Would Use to Describe You?

Professional, friendly, and knowledgeable.

What Most Excites You About Your Work?

The gratification of working with clients or projects from the very beginning and seeing the results in the end. Nothing is more satisfying than accomplishing your goals, whether it’s getting that family into the perfect house or creating that dream home that even I’d want to live in.

Where Can We Find You When You’re Not Working?

Besides work, you’d more-than-most find me spending quality time with my daughter and cooking up a feast in the kitchen. I want to be that dad who’s there for his kids; there to teach them things, even if it’s cooking. I really like to entertain guests by cooking them a nice meal. With good food and good company, you can never go wrong. I’m a big fan of grilling, so one of my favorite dishes to make is slow cooked dry rubbed beef ribs. It takes some patience, but the results are delicious!

What Would Be Impossible for You to Give Up?

I’m a huge sports fan, so watching and playing sports would be something that I couldn’t give up.

Anything Else You’d Like to Tell People About Yourself?

I’m a huge foodie. I guess it stems from my passion for cooking, but I love trying new and different cuisines; you never know where you can get inspired for the next dish. My favorite place has got to be Alexander’s Steakhouse. The ambiance and service there is pristine, and their chops as well as their souffles are to die for.

What is Your Favorite Room in the House?

You could have guessed it, the kitchen. That’s where I can work my magic and create well groomed dishes for my dinner guests.

What Do You Look for in a Neighborhood?

A great neighborhood has to be very safe, have a high performing school district, and be in close proximity to basic amenities like grocery stores, shopping centers, local eateries where you can walk around with your family, and freeways.

Perry is a native of San Francisco, and is very familiar with the city and all of Bay Area. He has an eclectic background of financial knowledge from working at Wells Fargo, customer service skills from working retail sales, and an in depth knowledge of managing construction properties from his strong history in the home developing industry.

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