Roxann Bernal


Agent Details

Meet Roxann


Tell Us About Your Journey to Real Estate. Why Did You Become a Real Estate Agent?

My real estate journey started pretty late. I was a pre med student, who just graduated from CSU Long Beach with a degree and career that, in my opinion, served me no joy. During my first year out of college, I realized I needed to find a career that sparked passion, purpose, and happiness.

At first, my goal was get into real estate investing as a pass time until I found a clear path to a career that I loved. After a couple bad experienced with Real Estate Agents, I soon found out that the relationship between a Real Estate Agent and their clients was just as important, if not more, than the transaction itself. It was important to develop a real connection with value and trust, not just the business aspect.

Buying/selling a home is overwhelming, and I wanted to be able to help simplify the whole process for others. As I dug deeper into this and understanding about real estate and its profession, I quickly realized that this was the career for me.

What Are Three Words Your Clients Would Use to Describe You?

Patient. Persistent. Passionate.

What Most Excites You About Your Work?

The constant learning experience. That every experience and encounter is always a new and different. Nothing is ever the same thing twice.

Where Can We Find You When You’re Not Working?

With my family, on the couch reading a good book with great music in the background, or booking my next travel destination to a city I’ve never been too.

Does Anything From Your Previous Job Help You as an Agent?

My experience being in patient care and volunteering at a hospice during my college career has allowed me to become a better agent by bring compassion, empathy, and acts of service in the willingness to help others.

What Would You Say to a 5-year-old Child if He or She Asked You What the Purpose of Life is?

To be happy and spread happiness. I am a big believer that happiness is contagious and that it is the foundation to a fruitful and purposeful life.

What is One of Your Dream Vacations?

Philippines – as an island girl at heart I’d love to just travel around my home land. The beautiful beaches, learn about the different cultures, and eat all food I can. There are still so many places to see.

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