Applicants applying for this BMR unit are eligible for one or more of the following one-time waivers*:Increase qualifying AMI by up to 20%. Remove first-time homebuyer requirement.Exclude income from assets in the calculation.Adjust household size rules.Allow homebuyer education completion after the initial application.Lower minimum financing requirements for buyers. *Temporary adjustments to the eligibility requirements will expire on 06/30/2025 unless further extended by MOHCD.First Come First Serve. No lottery. 1 Bedroom Below Market Rate (BMR) housing opportunity available at 100% Area Median Income (AMI). Maximum income for 1 person = $100,850; 2 = $115,300; 3 = $129,700, etc. Must be 1st-time homebuyer & income eligible. Unit available thru the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) & subject to resale controls, monitoring & other restrictions. Unit will be listed on DAHLIA, the SF Housing Portal ( starting on the application date, July 11, 2023. Visit for application & program info. Application, loan pre-approval, and homebuyer education verification-Offers as they come. Please see the virtual tour at